At Mountain State Realty, we want to make things as easy as possible for you, the seller, while also maximizing your reach to the home-buying market. We’ll make sure you find the perfect home or sell your home at the best possible price. We do it all for a Flat-Fee listing Commission Structure starting at $4,500.







MLS Listings

In this day and age, exposure is everything when you’re selling a home, and that’s why it’s essential to be listed in as many places as possible. At Mountain State Realty, we have access to over 100 MLS (multiple listing service) websites, and we will get you entered and syndicated into as many as possible.

We can get you onto the following platforms:

When people search for new homes, the majority of them jump online first. By listing you on as many websites as possible, your home listing will be seen by countless people all over Colorado including Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor, Greeley, Wellington, Longmont, Denver, and more!. We’ve closed countless sales that came through because of our MLS listings, so you can bet that this is something we take very seriously — we don’t want you to miss out on any opportunities.

Email Marketing

We provide email marketing to agents all over Denver, North Denver Metro, and Northern Colorado. While getting syndicated on an MLS system is essential for your online presence, email marketing provides an absolute guarantee that realtors all over the state will see your property and send it off to their respective buyers.

One of the most important parts of our email marketing is the E-Brochure that we’ll create for your property. This will provide a detailed look at your home with engaging pictures, descriptions, and much more. We believe professionalism is important for getting your home out there, so we make sure that fellow realtors see nothing but the best-of-the-best.

Social Media Marketing

We can’t stress this enough — your online presence matters! That’s why, in addition to MLS syndication and email marketing, we also provide social media marketing. Facebook and Instagram are both amazing for finding potential leads, and we’ll run “smart” ads on these platforms that specifically target aspiring home buyers. Social media platforms allow for very specific targeting via their ad systems, and we know how to find the people out there in Colorado who might be interested in your home. Social media is more popular than it’s ever been, and you’d be surprised what kind of results can be achieved by harnessing it to its full potential.

At Mountain State Realty, we believe in resorting to every tool and resource at our disposal, so we’re always looking into the future. As social media grows and evolves, so too will we, so that we can continually provide the best possible service for our clients.

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People may find your home listing on an MLS or their favorite social media platform, but if you don’t have high-quality photos to show off your home, good luck getting any bites.

When you’re selling your home, presentation is everything! We cannot overstate how important good photos are. To give you the best shot at finding a great buyer, we provide professional photography that’s custom-tailored to the many platforms that we’ll be marketing your home on.

Did you know that MLS listings all have their own different requirements for photos? Did you know that a picture that works well on Instagram might be vastly different than one that works well for Facebook? We’ll take enough pictures to ensure that your home is eligible to be shown off on any

platform in all of its glory. Our photography takes everything into consideration, and you can have the peace-of-mind knowing that we’ll only show off your home in the most flattering ways possible. Photography can make or break an MLS listing, and you’d be surprised at how many beautiful homes fall by the wayside because photos couldn’t do them justice. You want your home to be seen as a hot commodity — we’ll make sure that happens.


Flyers and Brochures

We spend a lot of time making sure you have perfect photography, so obviously we don’t want it to go to waste! Photography is invaluable for online listing services and social media platforms, but it also plays an important role in person. For people who cruise by your home on the road or stop by for open houses, a professionally-made, well-designed brochure is a key component in winning them over.

Brochures are valuable for two reasons. First off, there’s the practical purpose of advertising your home. A good brochure should be full of quality photos that show off the most marketable aspects of your home. It should provide enough information to make the home tantalizing, while also leaving the reader wanting more — enough to reach out to the realtor.

Professionalism is the other reason why you need a great brochure. If people pick up a flyer that looks like it was made by a high-schooler with MS Paint, it can easily create doubt in their mind. If the flyer is unprofessional and poorly-made, what other aspects of the home might be the same?


A well-designed brochure reflects an attention-to-detail in the seller, and it helps buyers to reassure themselves that they’re working with someone who takes their craft seriously.

Yard Sign Installation

The trick to selling your home is to get it in front of as many eyes as possible. This, of course, is why we put so much emphasis on the digital marketing techniques mentioned above. But it’s also important to appeal to people in your immediate vicinity — your buyer could very well end up being someone nearby!

A well-crafted yard sign is essential for any home on the market, and it’s important that it has good design. People are attracted to a yard sign that is unambiguous in its message — it should be abundantly clear that the home is for sale and still on the market. People are also attracted to pamphlets or brochures, so we’ll make sure that the box is fully loaded. There’s nothing worse than a casual passerby who finds interest in your home, only to be left empty-handed when the brochure box is empty.

Like we mentioned above, poor graphic design can give the impression of unprofessionalism, and that’s why we put just as much effort into your yard sign as everything else. We are strong believers in the importance of great design!

Save MoneyWith Flat
Fee Listing services

Professional Showing

When an agent would like to show your home, they will make the request online through our professional showing service company. You will receive the request via text or email and approve, decline, or reschedule the showing based on your availability. Using this service allows us to keep a log of everyone who has come to your home so that we can follow up! This service also allows the showing agent to provide feedback from their buyers and will be directly emailed to you.

This is another example of our commitment to innovation and forward-thinking. Technology has provided countless ways to streamline the home selling process, and with a direct line to feedback from home showings, both seller and realtor can act ASAP to respond to good leads and constructive criticism.


This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s essential to have a lockbox at your home so that access can be granted at any time to eligible parties. This is something that we provide for you. A lockbox makes the selling process much easier, because it allows realtors to hold showings at ideal times, even if you’re personally unavailable (all with your permission, of course). If you have any questions about the lockbox or the security thereof, don’t be afraid to ask!

Coordination and Closing

As part of our full service, we make sure that all aspects of your home sale are handled. We coordinate with all the other “players” like the title company, buyer’s agent and lender, appraisers, and so on. Our goal is to make sure your home sale is completed in the most efficient way possible and we believe that constant communication with all parties involved is essential!